What is cli-progress?
The cli-progress package is a versatile library for Node.js designed to create customizable progress bars in the command line interface (CLI). It supports various styles, custom tokens, and can handle multiple bars simultaneously, making it suitable for applications that require real-time progress feedback.
What are cli-progress's main functionalities?
Single Progress Bar
This demonstrates how to create a simple progress bar that updates from 0 to 50 out of 100. It uses the 'shades_classic' preset for styling.
const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const bar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
bar.start(100, 0);
Multiple Progress Bars
This example shows how to manage multiple progress bars simultaneously. It creates two bars with different total values and updates them independently.
const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const multiBar = new cliProgress.MultiBar({ clearOnComplete: false, hideCursor: true }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_grey);
const bar1 = multiBar.create(200, 0);
const bar2 = multiBar.create(100, 0);
Custom Tokens
This code snippet illustrates how to use custom tokens within the progress bar format. It displays additional information like speed alongside the progress.
const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const customBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar({ format: 'Progress |{bar}| {percentage}% || {value}/{total} Chunks || Speed: {speed}' }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
customBar.start(100, 0, { speed: 'N/A' });
customBar.update(40, { speed: '4MB/s' });
Other packages similar to cli-progress
The 'progress' package offers a simpler, more streamlined approach to progress bars in Node.js. While it lacks some of the advanced features and customization options of cli-progress, it's a solid choice for basic needs.
Nanobar is primarily focused on creating lightweight progress bars for web applications. Unlike cli-progress, which is designed for CLI applications, Nanobar is for frontend development, showcasing the versatility in application contexts.
progressbar.js provides a more visually rich set of progress bars for web applications, including circular progress bars and other shapes. It's more suited for graphical interfaces compared to cli-progress, which is tailored for CLI environments.
Easy to use Progress-Bar for Command-Line/Terminal Applications

$ npm install cli-progress --save
$ yarn add cli-progress --save
- Simple, Robust and Easy to use
- Full customizable output format (various placeholders are available)
- Custom Bar Characters
- FPS limiter
- ETA calculation based on elapsed time
- Custom Tokens to display additional data (payload) within the bar
- Only visible in TTY environments
- No callbacks required - designed as pure, external controlled UI widget
- Works in Asynchronous and Synchronous tasks
- Preset/Theme support
Multiple examples are available e.g. example.js - just try it $ node example.js
const _cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const bar1 = new _cliProgress.Bar({}, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
bar1.start(200, 0);
Initialize a new Progress bar. An instance can be used multiple times! it's not required to re-create it!
const <instance> = new namespace.Bar(options:object [, preset:object]);
(type:string) - progress bar output format @see format sectionfps
(type:float) - the maximum update rate (default: 10)stream
(type:stream) - output stream to use (default: process.stderr
(type:boolean) - automatically call stop()
when the value reaches the total (default: false)clearOnComplete
(type:boolean) - clear the progress bar on complete / stop()
call (default: false)barsize
(type:int) - the length of the progress bar in chars (default: 40)barCompleteString
(type:char) - character to use as "complete" indicator in the bar (default: "=")barIncompleteString
(type:char) - character to use as "incomplete" indicator in the bar (default: "-")hideCursor
(type:boolean) - hide the cursor during progress operation; restored on complete (default: false)etaBuffer
(type:int) - number of updates with which to calculate the eta; higher numbers give a more stable eta (default: 10)
Starts the progress bar and set the total and initial value
<instance>.start(totalValue:int, startValue:int [, payload:object = {}]);
Sets the current progress value and optionally the payload with values of custom tokens as a second parameter
<instance>.update(currentValue:int [, payload:object = {}]);
Increases the current progress value by a specified amount (default +1). Update payload optionally
<instance>.increment([delta:int [, payload:object = {}]]);
Sets the total progress value while progressbar is active. Especially useful handling dynamic tasks.
Stops the progress bar and go to next line
Bar Formatting
The progressbar can be customized by using the following build-in placeholders. They can be combined in any order.
- the progress bar, customizable by the options barsize, barCompleteString and barIncompleteString{percentage}
- the current progress in percent (0-100){total}
- the end value{value}
- the current value set by last update()
- expected time of accomplishment in seconds{duration}
- elapsed time in seconds{eta_formatted}
- expected time of accomplishment formatted into appropriate units{duration_formatted}
- elapsed time formatted into appropriate units
progress [{bar}] {percentage}% | ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total}
is rendered as
progress [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s | 200/200
Example 1 - Set Options
var bar = new _progress.Bar({
barCompleteChar: '#',
barIncompleteChar: '.',
fps: 5,
stream: process.stdout,
barsize: 65
Example 2 - Change Styles defined by Preset
var bar = new _progress.Bar({
barsize: 65
}, _progress.Presets.shades_grey);
Example 3 - Custom Payload
var bar = new _progress.Bar({
format: 'progress [{bar}] {percentage}% | ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total} | Speed: {speed} kbit'
bar.start(200, 0, {
speed: "N/A"
bar.update(5, {
speed: '125'
Example 4 - Custom Presets
File mypreset.js
var _colors = require('colors');
module.exports = {
format: _colors.red(' {bar}') + ' {percentage}% | ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total} | Speed: {speed} kbit',
barCompleteChar: '\u2588',
barIncompleteChar: '\u2591'
var _mypreset = require('./mypreset.js');
var bar = new _progress.Bar({
barsize: 65
}, _mypreset);
Need a more modern appearance ? cli-progress supports predefined themes via presets. You are welcome to add your custom one :)
But keep in mind that a lot of the "special-chars" rely on Unicode - it might not work as expected on legacy systems.
Default Presets
The following presets are included by default
- legacy - Styles as of cli-progress v1.3.0
- shades-classic - Unicode background shades are used for the bar
- shades-grey - Unicode background shades with grey bar
- rect - Unicode Rectangles
Any Questions ? Report a Bug ? Enhancements ?
Please open a new issue on GitHub
CLI-Progress is OpenSource and licensed under the Terms of The MIT License (X11). You're welcome to contribute!